It must be worthwhile understanding how these things
relating to the rituals of the spring equinox are all of pagan
origin. By pagan is meant that of the villagers, from the peasant culture as
opposed to those who saw themselves educated and above the common herd.
Jewish paganism was apparent
in the sacrifice of the lamb. It was the spring celebration for the sheep and
goat pastoralists for the purpose of warding off evil by ritually killing and
eating the young animal. The matzo element (pronounced motza by Jews who I have heard) comes from the spring celebration
of the arable farmers of early Israel who gratefully celebrated the early barley harvest
with the unleavened flat-bread.
The whole idea of these rituals taking place at the equinox
was because the time was considered to be the moment when the Sun God annually sacrificed his life and returned to his solar father which rustic myth explained
in the greatly increased sunlight at this time in the northern hemisphere.
The symbols of bread and wine had been in common use in the
popular Mithraic cult which had been favoured by the Romans although coming
from Persia and with Indian influences. The Mithraic symbols were almost
exactly the same as Jesus Christianity adopted, bread (or cakes) and wine, symbolic of the saviour Mithras’ body and blood, partaken once a year in
remembrance. These origins ultimately are
drawn from cannibalistic ritual. Catholic Christianity borrowed wholesale from
Mithraism and to such an extent that they rendered the latter religion deflated
and in terminal decline.
I suggest that to quote what Jesus is supposed to have said
as ‘gospel’ is a mistaken authority. His words were never recorded; they are
the writings of the cult protagonists whose words were sanctified by the
inclusion into the first Bible made by the Roman Catholic selection of texts in
the fourth century. As exemplified by the Catholic Church back then, triumphant
in crystallising and syncretising the Christ-cult on their own terms and in favour
of Roman imperialism; the truth of any religious matter is a distant second to
political control over the worshippers. A lesson well understood by the GB.
The rituals are now so irrelevant to the point of being
obsolete except for those who take this hocus-pocus literally.